Friday, September 19, 2008

Self & Unit Evaluation

I was nervous about taking this class because science has never been my favorite subject, in high school I did just what I needed to get by.. I feel like I did ok for this unit, I probably could have been more prepared and organized but I wasn't sure what to expect so I guess I was winging it at times. But now that I know what is expected I hope to be a lot better for the next units. Maybe I didn't believe just how much time is spent in this class with the work and studying, but I do know for sure now! :)

I enjoyed the online labs and building my cell the most, but also the reading material wasn't boring to me so that helped! My ethical issues essay and the quizzes could have been better I think.

I felt most engaged in this course when I was doing the online labs and I felt most distant when writing the ethical issues essay. The most surprising thing in this unit was that I actually enjoyed doing it, I've never been a big fan of science but this unit helped me see another side and I enjoyed that!

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