Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Unit 4- Online Lab- Topic 1- Reproduction

This lab shows what I believe are 10 significant events for fetal development..

The 1st event would have to be conception, since this is where it all begins...

Next the 3rd week is significant because the nervous system is being built and the beginning of the heart. These are two very important systems!!!

Then the 4th week, the heartbeat can be heard on an ultrasound, though I've never been pregnant I think this would be a moving experience. This is important because a good strong heartbeat can make you believe in a good healthy pregnancy and baby!

During the 5th week the eyes, ears and nose become noticeable and during the

6th week fingers and toes.. It's nice to see these parts show up and be accounted for!

The 3rd month is when you can learn the sex of your baby and when they get fingerprints. This is important to many women I know, since the nursery is waiting on it.

The 4th month the heartbeat can be heard with the stethoscope, no longer just the ultrasound picking up this sound. Again, more signs of a healthy baby.

The 5th month is when the mother can begin to feel her baby moving around.Though I've heard that babies can make kicks and jabs hurt, its special to feel that moving inside of you.

The 7th month the eyes are open, how special!

And the 9th month, time for delivery! A special baby is born!! This is a picture of my nephew!

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