Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Unit 4- Lab Project- List of Species

Yogurt- Lactobaccilus genus
This is my breakfast every morning. The relationship here is symbiotic, we eat this and it helps with our digestive tract but I can’t see the benefit for yogurt. I don’t believe that yogurt is domesticated

Goat- Capra Hircus
I had a pet goat when I was younger and now my grandparents have one. Goats are domesticated. The relationship is mutualistic, we keep them fed and they eat down all our weeds, this is a win-win situation

Peanuts- Arachis hypogea
Peanut butter is something I eat regularly. This is domesticated and the relationship here I would say is symbiotic. I enjoy peanuts, but I can’t see how they benefit from any of that.

Ecoli- Escherichia Coli
This is the bacteria that is found in the lower intestines of warm blooded animals, such as chickens. This is normal flora in the gut. The relationship between the animal and the flora is mutualistic because it helps with production of Vitamin K2, while the relationship in regards to humans is not good. This is a parasite, in which makes humans sick.

Tuna- Thunnus tonggol
The only kind of seafood I eat is tuna fish in the bumblebee can and fish sticks. The relationship here is mutualistic, they can live in our waters and we can eat them. I believe fish can be domesticated, but are not until we make them that way.

Spider Plant- Chlorophytum Comosum
The spider plant is domesticated. The relationship mutualistic I care for the plant keeping it well watered while it adds character to my entertainment center and puts off oxygen

Cat- Felis Catus
I have three cats myself, so I interact with them everyday! They are very much domesticated, and this relationship is mutualistic. I care for them giving them love and nourishment while they cuddle and keep it exciting around here

Bermuda Grass- Cynodondactylon
Bermuda grass is domesticated. This is a mutualistic relationship, it helps our homes to look pretty or allows a nice place to play and we take care of it maintaining its beauty.

Horse- Equus Saballus
I grew up around horses and I still see them at my sisters house every day or so. I believe horses are domesticated. The relationship here is mutualistic as well, we care for them and they can be loyal friends or used to ride around.

Chicken- Gallus Domesticus
I eat chicken and occasionally eggs. I see chickens as being domesticated. The relationship is mutualistic, we keep them safe from coyotes and foxes and in return we can eat their eggs or them.

Goldfish- Carassius Auratus
Goldfish are domesticated. This relationship is mutualistic, we benefit from having pretty fish to look at in a tank while they get to swim around and we keep them fed and their housing clean.

Pig- Sus Scrofa Domestica
I eat bacon, pork chops and chili out of pork. Pigs can be domesticated, I see this relationship as being mutualistic. We care for domesticated pigs and keep them fed, while in return we can butcher them for the meat.

Dog- Canis lupus familiaris
I believe dogs are domesticated. The relationship is mutualistic, we care for them and keep them fed while they are companions and protectors for us.

Willow tree- Salix
The willow tree is domesticated. The relationship is mutualistic, it provides shade and shelter to some while we care for and keep the tree trimmed.

Deer- Odocoileus Virginianus
Deer are not domesticated. I see this relationship as being mutualistic, they graze out in the wild and for sometime out of the year don’t have to be in fear, then when hunting season comes around they need to be in fear. But once we have hunted and killed them they are beneficial to us in return

Wheat- Triticum aestivum
I love spaghetti! So we eat this often in my house. Wheat is a big part of the pasta. I think wheat is domesticated. The relationship here I would say is also mutualistic, we tend to the wheat crops and in turn we get to eat it all up! 

Cow- Bos Taurus
Cows are domesticated. The relationship is mutualistic. We give them fields to graze on and pastures to roam and if and when the time is right we can butcher them for meat. Also they can be rode and roped

Hawk- Order Falconiformes
I don’t believe that hawks are domesticated. We see then flying around. I see this relationship as mutualistic, we don’t hunt them and they keep our rodent population down and get road kill cleared up.

Carrot- Daucus Carota Sativus
I often eat carrots and ranch for a snack or on my salads. The relationship here is mutualistic, while we eat and enjoy carrots we also help them to grow and care for them as they are doing so. I believe carrots are domesticated.

Broccoli- Brassica oleracea italica
Broccoli is one of my favorite vegetables. I eat it whenever I can, I like it cooked or raw. Broccoli is domesticated. The relationship here is again mutualistic. We may get the upper hand at eating it but we also nourish it while its growing.

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