Monday, October 27, 2008

Unit 2- Ethical Issue Essay- What is Food?

The Health of Our Future

What is food? Food should be a nutritional and healthy way of life. In a world where obesity seems to be affecting millions I think now is the time to evaluate all aspects of producing and cooking our food. Obesity is on the rise and this problem needs to be dealt with.

These days I can see how young children are easily becoming obese. I remember when I was in school, when lunch time came around; food was usually purchased out of the vending machine or at the snack bar of the cafeteria which contained greasy unhealthy foods that lacked nutrition. Not only does it seem kids eat unhealthy at school, but also at home. It seems more and more parents have to work hard, long hours. Which leads to them bringing home fast food or take out for themselves and family because they are too tired to hassle with cooking a meal.
Another problem I also see is that kids are becoming lazier. Instead of having a healthy snack after school, they turn to what they think tastes good and seems quick and easy for them. It doesn’t help the fact that kids these days are spending more time indoors playing video games and watching television. I know when I was young we always had home cooked meals, hardly ever ate out, and spent time from dawn until dusk playing and being active outside.

As for adults I have a harder time with them being obese, I see no excuse for this. They should know how important it is to eat healthy and set better examples for their children, especially if obesity tends to run in the family. Without an adult around allowing it, children wouldn’t be able to always eat out. I feel its very important for adults to ensure that the younger generations learn about good nutrition and eat well to promote long healthy disease free lives.

So in conclusion we need to spend more time preparing our food and less time depending on take out to meet our nutritional needs. By leading healthier lifestyles we can not only better ourselves but also set examples for the younger generations.

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